
One of the most relevant topics in this day and age is artificial intelligence. Therefore, it only makes sense that for years, media companies have been talking about it and keeping readers abreast of new technological developments.

As much as they’ve talked about it, these companies have only recently begun to incorporate AI into their own business strategies. However, advancements in mobile design is slowly but surely allowing these companies to reshape how we receive and access their information.


Adjusting Industry Goals

Traditional media outlets would try to get the upper-hand on their competitors by having the most interesting content and highest distribution. With the widespread availability of information brought to readers through the internet, however, distribution has become a relatively useless factor for these businesses to pursue.

Now, the goal is relevancy. Artificial Intelligence allows these companies to gather a greater breadth of data on customers. This includes allowing them to see habits and preferences on an individual basis, which lets them provide a better, more well-received service to readers.

The best way this can be done is by tailoring when content gets released. People are complex, and with that comes complex habits. While patterns can develop, chances are that what someone does from Monday-Friday is different from what they’re doing on the weekend.

This is reflected in their reading habits, too. If a company wants to keep the attention of their customers regardless of day or time, they have to adjust to fit these needs. Luckily, AI and the internet allow for quick, fine-tuned changes without much difficulty.


Changing the Way News is Delivered

As alluded to earlier, news outlets have begun to provide app experiences that give users the information they want to see, first. Machine learning builds collections of information on individuals, storing data on likes, dislikes, and habits.

An account can be set up so that a reader will see information more likely to interest them at the top of the page, rather than them having to hunt for it. This streamlines the reader’s experience, which is important in our fast-paced world.

Chatbot technology is also helping to provide a personal touch. During the 2016 presidential race, the New York Times launched a chatbot to help readers keep up in real-time with the election process. This allowed users to interact with the chatbot to get more information about breaking news. It also created a more personalized experience as a messenger chatbot has access to readers’ public information on Facebook.


Staying Ahead in the Digital Age

It can be difficult for a media firm to launch a new strategy based on artificial intelligence if they don’t even know how to harness the technology themselves. Having a strong social media platform isn’t a safe bet either; it pales in comparison to using data to create personal user profiles. As companies try to get ahead, it’s in their best interest to hire an outside firm that specializes in AI tech to help them build these connections with their clients, and provide unique services.

AI can even help breathe new life into email campaigns, a long-standing way to interact directly with your readers. Artificial intelligence can help you provide automated, yet personal, email updates in inboxes as often as you need.

As daily use of artificial intelligence becomes more widespread, media outlets need to ensure they stay educated in the field in order to provide innovative and personalized experiences for their users.
