
Life is defined by its pursuit of continuity to gain time for replicating its code and perfecting its algorithm. But, just as a tree has branches that become trunks and continue branching, some branches choose not to become trunks and renounce the continuity of their code. Is that wrong? Sometimes, dying is part of the plan. Not continuing can be too. It’s easy to be surprised by self-destructive human behaviors, yet other species also exhibit such behaviors. This isn’t a justification, but it is interesting. Many species have mechanisms for self-regulating their populations.

Three questions:

1.Could it be that DNA’s code drives life to provoke configurations to “prune” its continuity? Life is also aware of death; that’s why reproduction is such a vital function. Yet, it’s also valid that life might choose to stop reproducing.

2.Does this mean that when DNA opts not to continue, it configures itself to die? Some life stories, families, companies, and codes contribute little if they continue, and life itself seems to recognize this.

For thousands of years, the only way to preserve information was through genetics.

3.In this digital era, do we still need this to be the only means of transcendence? It would be absurd to think so.

DNA is information, and today, beyond transmitting genetic information, we can also transmit thought patterns through the power of words. Reading an ancestor’s DNA doesn’t have the same impact as reading a book by an ancestor to understand how they thought and where you come from. Of course, it depends on whether you’re searching for potential congenital opportunities or threats.

Based on all this, I believe that life has the right to die and not continue when it chooses.

Not every human has to be productive.

Not every human has to have genetic offspring.

Not every human has to contribute something to humanity (although they may, as I consider intelligence a right).

For some, sadly, their contribution is to no longer exist or to demonstrate the wrong way to live as a cautionary example. Yet for those who value the transcendence that DNA enables, life must go on. For those who don’t value DNA or understand it, there are other ways to contribute to life itself (teaching, social work, artificial intelligence, etc.).

The purpose of life is to continue perfecting the code, and it doesn’t have to be safeguarded in organic form alone.

If you evolve during your life, you’re perfecting yourself to continue. If you prepare for death, you stop evolving…

From a scientific mindset accessible to all, we must move beyond moral filters to question topics such as:

  • Sexual diversity
  • Infertility
  • Euthanasia
  • The romanticism of death
  • Suicide
  • Abortion
  • War
  • Hatred
  • Love.
  • Addictions
  • Malformations
  • Accidents

Being alive is amazing; undoubtedly, it’s part of the design of a higher intelligence, which we may choose to believe is something or someone.

Life goes on!

If we choose to let it.

Each has their own genetic story!


Music to calibrate mind with topic:
